Friday, July 24, 2020

How to Be Mindful Of Your Well-Being during the Pandemic?

As coronavirus has spread around the globe, chances are that you’ll find the news filled with stories of illness and desperation. During this trying time, it can be hard to take care of our own well-being. However, popular psychologists in Brisbane, suggests that being mindful can help us maintain our own mental and emotional equilibriums.

Pause and tune into your senses. Drop out of your stream of continuous thinking and connect to sound, to the feeling in your fee, look around you, etc.Reconnecting with your senses and dropping out of the continuous stream of thinking can be a relief to your nervous system.

Try mindful movements like yoga, tai chi, or a mindful walk. Many people are drawn to movement and exercise because it takes them out of the stream of thinking. With mindful movement you’re just making that conscious, but not fully involved in it.

Grab a little time in nature. You don’t have to be on some remote desert island to do that. There’s something fundamentally pleasing for humans to reconnect with the nature that we’re a part of as opposed to the human-built environment. Being in nature literally lowers people’s blood pressure and people often experience it as a tiny moment of relief.

In fact the renowned children’s doctor in Brisbane also advises parents to help their kid’s involve in such mindful activities as well. This will promote clear thinking and reduce stress as well.

Read more articles about psychologist Brisbane here at -

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